David McGuire Now licenced to fly in Ireland

David McGuire was the holder of lapsed Australian and New Zealand Sports aviation licences but needed a current and valid licence in order to fly in Ireland. Fortunately the BMAA's Aaron Bliss was able to advise David on the requirements to convert lapsed foreign licences into a current NPPL (M) and on 31st August David fulfilled the conversion requirements when he completed the Navigation exercises and passed his GST in Thruster G CGFZ. David has already brought his old Airbourne Flexwing back from New Zealand and has just bought a Danish registered Foxbat. In addition David has built his own little Airstrip next to his home in Galway. If Aaron is as fast and efficient in processing David's licence application as he was in providing the Licence conversion requirements David will be flying from his own runway next week. Congratulations David on passing your GST.