Gavin Crossan passes GST.
Sat, Mar 24, 2018
Gavin Crossan thought he could complete his solo hour requirement on Saturday 24th March so that he would be ready to take his GST next week. However he flew the 3 hours of solo with no problems and the weather was excellent so he elected to do his GST straight away. Happily he passed easily. One can assume that having flown over 4 hours today Gavin will want a relaxed celebration tonight when he can contemplate trips in the lovely little Thruster T300 he has hidden away at a private strip near Moy. Congratulations Gavin.
Edwin Calvin completes his First Solo flight
Fri, Mar 9, 2018
Castlerock sheep farmer Edwin Calvin completed his First Solo flight today (9/3/2018) in Thruster G CGFZ after several faultless circuits with the instructor. There was no sign of wooly thinking in the circuit and the touch down was as gentle as a lamb if ewe know what I mean. Congratulations Edwin welcome to the flock.
Roy Clarkson passes GST.
Fri, Mar 9, 2018
Congratulations are due to 72 year old retired Senior Lecturer Roy Clarkson who passed his GST on 9/3/2018. Roy celebrated by immediately buying a share in the Thruster Microlight group based at Newtownards and joining the British Microlight Aircraft Association so that he can take to the skies himself as soon as his license arrives from the CAA.
Liam Boyle passes GST
Sat, Dec 2, 2017
Liam Boyle took a little time trying out different types of aircraft before finally deciding that Microlights were his favourite. Having experience in other types certainly helped Liam when it got to the time to do his final flight test and he passed his GST with flying colours on 2nd December 2017. Liam has planned ahead and has already bought a share in a Microlight based at the Ulster Flying Club . Congratulations Liam on passing your GST , you have chosen a great hobby , a nice aircraft and a club with excellent facilities.
Clement Buchanan passes GST
Fri, Dec 1, 2017
Clement Buchanan started learning to fly in the last week of August and has made rapid progress through the course. On 1st December 2017 the conditions weren’t perfect with a cold cross wind and rain showers but it was good enough for Clement to impress the Flight Test Examiner with his flying skill and safe handling of Thruster G EVEY.
Clement now has the choice of acquiring a share in one of the group Microlight aircraft at The Ulster Flying Club or moving on to add heavier 4 seat Group A aircraft to his National Private Pilots License.
Congratulations Clement .
Bill Harvey passes GST
Mon, Nov 13, 2017
Adrenalin junkie Bill Harvey took time off on 13/11/17 from his Sky Diving , Motor bikes and Scuba Diving to complete his General Skills Test on Microlight Aircraft . So when his license arrives from the CAA in a week or so he can go flying in the Thruster that he has just bought a share in at Newtowards. ( Provided he can find the time between his other activities). Congratulations Bill
Ryan Molloy passes his General Skills Test
Sun, Nov 12, 2017
Ryan Molloy is a very busy local estate agent who started learning to fly in March 2015 but he eventually found enough time to complete the course and at 11am on the eleventh day of the eleventh month 2017 he passed his GST in G CGFZ. No problem remembering when Ryan became a licensed pilot then . Congratulations Ryan . We will always remember you.
Damien Martin takes a few days off and passes his GST
Thu, Nov 2, 2017
Taking a few days break from work proved to be very productive for Damien Martin as he managed 12 hours flying in four days culminating in passing his GST on Thursday 2nd November.
Damien is now planning to join a local Microlight syndicate and ultimately add a Group A rating to his NPPL Microlight license.
Congratulations Damien.
Declan McGill Passes his GST
Thu, Oct 26, 2017
Taking full advantage of the exceptional conditions on 26th October Declan McGill completed his last couple of hours of solo flight and still had time to take his GST afterwards. All he has to do now is sit back and wait for the CAA to send him a crisp new license to fly his own Microlight . Well done and congratulations Declan
Clement Buchanan First Solo Flight
Wed, Oct 18, 2017
Clement Buchanan took his first flying lesson less than 7 weeks ago and today (18/10/2017) with less than 9 hours dual training he flew his first solo flight . Clement is aiming to get his get his Microlight license and then his group A license before April so he can take advantage of the free LAPL license conversion .
Roy Clarkson's First Solo flight.
Wed, Oct 18, 2017
Roy Clarkson has been waiting for several weeks for the fog to clear and the hurricanes to shuffle past the airfield at Newtowards so that he could embark upon his first solo flight. Today (18/10/2017) his long awaited opportunity arrived and he happily grabbed his first solo using Runway 15. It was a smooth landing and we’ll worth waiting for. Congratulations Roy.
Damien Martin and son Tom go solo on the same day.
Fri, Oct 6, 2017
Like Father, like Son !! Damien Martin and his son Tom are both learning to fly at Northern Ireland Microlights and it is probably not a coincidence that they both achieved their First Solo flights in the school Thruster on the same day (6/10/2017). It was only fair that dad went first and while he was quietly celebrating 16 year old son Tom proved that he could do it just as well. Congratulations to both . Mum and the Instructor were well impressed.
Tim Gallagher Passes the General Skills Test
Sun, Sep 24, 2017
Tim Gallagher owns a vehicle recovery business and has been known to give a lift home to the odd winged vehicle that got stranded away from it’s home airfield. On 24/9/2017 Tim passed his General Skills Test in the School Thruster with flying colours and will soon be flying about in his own aircraft . So if Tim gets himself stranded away from his home airfield he won’t even need to make a phone call. Congratulations Tim Gallagher and welcome to that ancient order of Qualified Microlighters .
Gary Crosbie completes his first solo flight.
Sun, Sep 24, 2017
Citi Banker Gary Crosbie proved today that he can not only be trusted with your money but can also be trusted to fly a Microlight Aircraft. On 24th September Gary completed his first solo flight in the school Thruster at Newtowards . Congratulations Gary .
Gavin Crossan . First Solo Flight 25th August 2017
Fri, Aug 25, 2017
Gavin Crossan spent the morning of 25/8/2017 operating a 27 ton earth mover and the afternoon operating a Thruster MIcrolight. The only difference was he didn’t have to do his first solo flight in the earth mover today. As first solo flights go it was very professional with an exceptionally smooth touch down. Congratulations Gavin